
Archive for the ‘Sarah Palin’ Category

Jared Lee Loughner GenY Goes Postal Don’t smoke buddha, can’t stand sess, yes

In Assassination, civil rights, Congress, elections, National Security, political corruption, politics, Presidential Election, Sarah Palin on January 12, 2011 at 10:33 pm

The recent assassination attempt on Representative Gabriel Gifford may seem  like some Manchurian candidate who fell from the sky for gun control and toning down competitive speech to win political office for some, being these are the only one dimensional arguments that have emerged in the last couple of days since the massacre and the assassination attempt.    However way before Jared Lee Loughner went postal the jokes regarding GENY had started they don’t like sex, they don’t like money, don’t get high or drink, like the old Adam Ant Song don’t drink don’t smoke what do you do must be something inside, or the Raw Base Song It Takes Two; Don’t smoke buddha, can’t stand sess.

In this blogger’s opinion hate speech had nothing to do with Loughner going postal.  While I am not going to visit his website and read his writings I am going to try to draw a quick instinctual profile of what was going on with Loughner and why and how he could commit such unconscionable acts.    The short answer is that like the middle aged man that goes postal because he’s fired, overwhelmed, and sick of struggling to ultimately lose; Many in Geny feel that there is no hope, that there is nothing there just like the Middle Age men who went postal decades ago.  Parents have appeared on news programs saying they would like their geny’rs who have graduated from college to go to the local mall and get any job rather than going to the country club all day playing raquetball.   Hmm the Country Club GENYS are having problems.

In any event the case of Jared Lee Loughner is a blinding commentary of modern day society and how it failed him.  While some folks may object to my characterizing the heinous acts of Loughner as a political act, the bottom line is the French revolution was bloody and it was gruesome and ironically it centered around the inability of the poor and struggling to obtain scarce resources like bread and housing.  One ultimately wonders if Loughtons individual actions are the first signs of revolution in the United States.  One can not deny that even if as a result of his own actions society had no place for him.

However if one is looking for how Loughton came to this point one should consider the following reasons:

Loughner’s Inability to Chart a Path in Life

While some would say that Loughner was strange, crazy, or just plain nuts.  It can not be denied that he tried, he tried to go to a community college and then he tried to go into the military both attempts were dismal failures and being escorted off a community colleges campus because of acting plain crazy instead of being sent to some sort of advisor shows just a lack of care for a young person that almost says the campus should not even exist.  Even this incident that Loughner had on the college campus is heartless and strange with classmates standing in line to talk about how weird he was, this total lack of empathy brings to mind the same type of students that recorded a gay kiss and put it over the internet………. there is ultimately something wrong with geny in their inability to empathize and know right from wrong.   What makes Loughner a sympathetic character as opposed to the VT shooter is Loughner was not a genius, Loughner was not a star engineering student.  He was a Poor smoch on the side of the road who at the age of 22 had figured out he would never amount to anything and society had made that his fate.

The Anesthetic Effect of Video Gaming

While I know nothing about Jared Lee Loughner I am willing to stake my life on the fact that Loughner was a video gamer and an avid gamer.  While the older folks on TV try to blame guns, rhetoric and whatever else will advance their causes on why Loughner went postal.  The answer is grounded in the fact that if he was an avid gamer he went postal everyday.  Modern games have death counts for how many people have been killed, humans splatter blood on the screen creating an amazing tolerance and nonchalance towards killing.   Modern video games in some cases are live simulations of massacres, some games are just plain killing oops you killed a family or baby so what you got  a point.   The fact that Loughner could kill or try to kill twenty people and then try to reload to kill some more indicates to me that Loughton had made the cross from game simulation to real life and probably the harder life became for him the more he retreated into game land until he was ready to take it live which he did.

The Out and Out Corruption of the Congresswoman

While many will call Gabby nice.  She was not nice she was looking for a vote.  The plain fact is her husband is an astronaut, she got herself appointed to the NASA committee to further the fates of her family which she evidently did.  Congress is attempting to censure Maxine Waters for a Bank visit this woman is on the committee that employs her husband. Meanwhile Loughton cant complete college and can’t even get into the military.  This is corruption and a severe conflict of interest whether it’s acknowledged or not.   Loughton was probably aware of this or not but if he was he knew Gifford was advancing her own fate while he could not even get into the military.

In any event the incident with Loughner brings to a head the generational conflict, misinformation, and frighteninly poor analysis of the Loughner incident and why he did what he did as an X’r I need to see GENXY in the media the older crew with the exception of the 60’s crew is out of touch and self serving and just plain dumb.


Should I say Witch or Bitch this Week

In Afrian American Twitters, African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, barack obama, black blogger, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, democrats, politicians, politics, Race, Race and Class, religion, republicans, Sarah Palin on September 21, 2010 at 4:27 am

Meet Senator Witch

The Republican Senate candidate for Delaware used to be a witch.  Perhaps the words that one should pay attention to more than “anything” else is used to citing she used bad judgement and was just a high school student when she briefly experimented with cauldrons.  While we live in a country with religious freedom and being a witch should not prevent anyone from being a senator, it should be noted that Norah Odonll is citing that she used bad judgment when she put on a black hat in high school.    It just seems rather weird that in high school she was a member of the fringe witch society and now in adulthood she is suddenly a member of the fringe cult like movement of the Tea Party and trust me when she has grandchildren and they are exposed to pictures of the Tea Party parade holding pictures up with racially derogative information about President Barack Obama, she will then have a moment of, I used bad judgement when I joined that Tea Party Movement to her grandkids.

While I who have a basic liberal mind can understand a child being a witch at 18.  I can’t understand a person who wants to be anything in life (actress, teacher, doctor, nurse)  besides Black Sabbath or an attorney openly admitting they were or had been a witch in their late twenties. Seven years after she graduated from high school Norah O’Donnell was openly and proudly admitting that she had been a witch. ……….

The basic point is O’Donnell sort of makes a mockery of any movement she may join; yesterday a witch, today she’s having Tea.  One wonders if her mind can concentrate on a senate issue long enough to vote on it or as in Palin’s case will she just resign if elected when she sees the opportunity to be a part of DIA.  Demons in Action……….

Barack Obama Town Hall – Excuses Excuses Excuses It’s Getting Bitchy Up in Here

The beauty of the presidency is that you are supposed to be the president of what may be the most powerful country in the world.  Some of the things that Barack Obama’s says are really jarring.  Last week he was literally bitching about how the food bank was running low.  You’re the president already do something don’t bitch about it.  As a black woman I personally think he dos not like us that much a person of another race can say anything they want about him and he’ll appoint them to a cabinet position but the minute a black woman expresses her disappointment in a Town Hall meeting he  goes postal on her……….  I’m sorry Michelle can’t or won’t pat you on the back when you cry …… can’t have everything…….. but don’t take it out on my black sisters that’s your decision not ours.

The Eye of Newt

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Second Witch:

Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the cauldron boil and bake;

Eye of newt     , and toe of frog,

Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,

Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,

Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Newt’s new issue of 1,000,000 is will Sharia law replace U.S. law.  OK Newt have you been popping pills with Glen  Beck or has O’Donnell popped a cauldron soaked mushroom in your mouth.  Out of all the thoughts that pop into Newts mind it’s always the craziest and wackiest.  Sometimes I wonder how many times Newt was dropped on his head when he was a Baby. CHRIST or Should I say Good Witch, I want to have respect for everyone’s religion you know .  Let Me know….

Why Barack Obama is having Polling Problems

In African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, barack obama, black blogger, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, College Educated, colleges and universities, conservatives, current events, democrats, economy, Education, educational policies, elections, ethnic twitters, female blogger, politicians, politics, Poverty, Sarah Palin, The Economy on September 1, 2010 at 6:11 pm

As the polls fall for our Golden Boy Barack Obama, it is tempting for his staunch supporters to argue that Obama is the victim of racists or that the reason things have not totally turned around is because of all the luggage left by George Bush. While these arguments may hold a little sway, the truth is that Barack Promised us change and what we essentially got was more of the same in far left clothing and shall I dare say in a less compassionate package than George Bush Jr.

After Barack Obama was elected it became extremely apparent that he was not going to diverge much from his predecessor George Bush. While some believed that when it was time to appoint cabinet members Obama would appoint cabinet members with the finest credentials Pulitzers, nobels, and other such folks Obama had another agenda on his mind, he made cabinet appointments of people who were his friends, acquaintances and yes men. He essentially used the spoils system when appointing staff just like his predecessor George W. Bush. For example he made the superintendant of Chicago Public Schools the Secretary of Education for all of our students despite the fact that Chicago had one of the highest dropout rate of students in the country; Tim Geithner could not figure out his taxes let alone be expected to solve the economic problems of the nation; a governor appointed to head Health and Services instead of a career professional within the organization made and makes the Obama presidency problematic and leads a rational human being to question his motives and common sense. The reason Barack Obama can not blame George Bush for the problems now affecting the United States is because President Obama left his A game at home failing to realize that his logic and common sense would not be enough. President Obama thought he could choose anyone for the very complex jobs of running the nation because he thought the President could do anything and make up for the short comings of his staff. Gomer Pyle came to town with his sergeant in hand because he was his friend.

This is where the Palin phenomena begins to come into play. Palin is definitely not very smart. This has to be said twice Palin is not very knowledgeable, but she may be smart enough to run a country in knowing the difference between what the country needs and what she may want. She may want Cousin May to be head of Health and Human services but she knows the country needs something more than cousin May, and this may seem a rather extreme comparison when juxtaposed with Palin’s rather basic rudimentary college degree with Barack Obama’s super elite circle Obama’s cabinet appointments boil down to appointing Palin’s Cousin May. As the American people observe this they begin to seriously doubt that change will happen under the Obama administration and look and wait for something different and hope it comes.

Like Bush enormous dollars go out of the United States treasury to various entities but people really believe that the money gets siphoned off to friends as in the Bush administration. I think what has set the last two administrations apart from other administrations are the excesses of money leaving the U.S. coffers and no one knowing where it ends up. The citizens of the United States see constant spending but no effective change, they are not experiencing the trickle nickel effect and are beginning to suspect those nickels are lost in the air. As public opinion starts to go against Barack Obama the folks of the United States are beginning to say they liked George Bush better. This is because many believe that Barack Obama would step on Granny to get across the street. This is because of the caviler treatment of babies, executive orders to continue using them for research, lip service to education, and all that money flowing out for new causes. As time goes on we begin to question if President Obama has a heart. Whereas innately the American people knew that on a personal level the former President George Bush could not face a wrong and let it continue, think the Iraq war was never real to him but a third term baby is real. This is what is lacking from President Barack Obama the human touch while he can recite lofty ideas one ultimately believes that if he saw ya being carjacked he’d keep driving.

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter at @blackhippychick