
Archive for the ‘female blogger’ Category

The Invisible Woman

In Afrian American Twitters, african american twitters, black blogger, black bloggers, black culture, black twitters, blacks, College Educated, colleges and universities, Education, ethnic culture, female blogger, female bloggers, Georgia, lynching, politics on October 13, 2021 at 7:56 am

When I was suspended from the historically black university Hampton University for something I said at the age of seventeen which was not much but saying the university taught group think but provided a credential that could result in great pay, I was directed by an Afrocentric friend in the West End of Atlanta to read Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man.

What he wrote about was relentless stalking of him by black people associated with universities because he as a young person took a white donor to a house he requested to go to which was a house of incest. Though the donor had insisted on visiting the house in the woods. The student was blamed for what the donor saw and was stalked for the rest of his life.

I made some comments and I feel that that resulted in my being stalked for the rest of my life by certain black people since I was seventeen. I have had an amazingly tragic life when my purpose since I was a young child was to serve a higher being. I have been gang stalked and targeted and the United States of America literal does not give a damn and actively uses its resources to torture American citizens before you say I’m crazy mind you that when I first started being stalked I wrote Max Cleland and he wrote back “we are aware of the situation and are trying to do something about it”

Meanwhile I did the impossible with a human being in the healing world and that’s being used against me. Though certain black people and they must be called out have engaged in Ralph Ellison style stalking of me, my hope comes from resting in the Lord and asking Jesus to intercede on my behalf because I really don’t know what’s going on but I do know I’m being treated unfairly just as I was when I was seventeen and suspended from a university for words. I was told to vacate the premises and not allowed to take finals.I was treated awfully by this university and as I write this it scares me to think what more black people can do to me. However I put my trust in Jesus and that his holy presence will guide and protect me and that a higher being greater then anything that has ever existed will intervene.

Black lives do matter but the need to say this only comes about in urban cities and urban areas controlled by blacks and people who love blacks. Black lives should matter to powerful liberals and blacks as well but they don’t. Blacks are the fodder of survival for liberal policies and predatory blacks. So black lives should matter to everyone

Applying Moores Law to Education

In Afrian American Twitters, African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, College Educated, colleges and universities, economy, Education, educational policies, employment, female blogger, female bloggers, Free Stuff on October 31, 2010 at 12:12 am

Slowly but surely  a pattern is emerging that Moores Law – the theory that microprocessing power grows exponentially every year is not just applicable to computing but also it appears that the needs of a knowledge worker society and educational needs are also growing exponentially also.  Many individuals are wondering what’s going on and the constant talk of the decline of the middle class is all but a reflection of the refusal of the population to become more educated with the times.

Up until the technological era there was always a recognition that individuals must keep up, must become more educated and knowledgeable to keep up with the changing needs of society.  The U.S. has gone from a country where reading and writing were optional needs to survival, then maybe a third grade education, finally a high school education and then the recognition that obtaining more  education was necessary to  survival was obsolete.  Instead of moving on and pursuing higher forms of  knowledge informally or formally individuals stopped in their footsteps and refused to go any further and have since the late 70’s blamed the government for not maintaining manufacturing  jobs.

While manufacturing jobs may be a small option for some individuals the plain truth is if  you have a brain and it works especially for kids in the educational system the key to survival is using it to the fullest for obtainment of more and more knowledge.  If citizens of the U.S. fail to recognize this the U.S. is rapidly heading towards a welfare state that it will not be able to sustain.  As Moores Law applies to education, the number one priority  the U.S. has is preparing current students for this reality.  The educational needs are not going to slow at this point they will only accelerate and if the U.S. fails to respond it will eventually be a failed state and the risk accelerates every couple of months as we are hurled towards the black hole of the unknown.

At this point knowledge has to be formally and informally obtained, formal education if not done right is not going to do anyone any good.  However those individuals who can give themselves even a quality informal education will survive and be way ahead of the needs of society if they recognize learning is a life long endeavor and at this point a means to survival.

Here are some resources for keeping  yourself flexible and ahead of the game:

MIT Open Courseware


Carnegie Mellon Open Learning

Tufts University

Stanford on Itunes

Free UC Berkely Classes online

There are more free online classes these are just a few.

A quick Google search of Moores Law and education brings up the following:  Nothing resembling this theory yet 🙂

However judging by the number of free educational courses this is a theory that’s out there and very widely belived in to the point where educators are giving courses away for free.

Why Barack Obama is having Polling Problems

In African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, barack obama, black blogger, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, College Educated, colleges and universities, conservatives, current events, democrats, economy, Education, educational policies, elections, ethnic twitters, female blogger, politicians, politics, Poverty, Sarah Palin, The Economy on September 1, 2010 at 6:11 pm

As the polls fall for our Golden Boy Barack Obama, it is tempting for his staunch supporters to argue that Obama is the victim of racists or that the reason things have not totally turned around is because of all the luggage left by George Bush. While these arguments may hold a little sway, the truth is that Barack Promised us change and what we essentially got was more of the same in far left clothing and shall I dare say in a less compassionate package than George Bush Jr.

After Barack Obama was elected it became extremely apparent that he was not going to diverge much from his predecessor George Bush. While some believed that when it was time to appoint cabinet members Obama would appoint cabinet members with the finest credentials Pulitzers, nobels, and other such folks Obama had another agenda on his mind, he made cabinet appointments of people who were his friends, acquaintances and yes men. He essentially used the spoils system when appointing staff just like his predecessor George W. Bush. For example he made the superintendant of Chicago Public Schools the Secretary of Education for all of our students despite the fact that Chicago had one of the highest dropout rate of students in the country; Tim Geithner could not figure out his taxes let alone be expected to solve the economic problems of the nation; a governor appointed to head Health and Services instead of a career professional within the organization made and makes the Obama presidency problematic and leads a rational human being to question his motives and common sense. The reason Barack Obama can not blame George Bush for the problems now affecting the United States is because President Obama left his A game at home failing to realize that his logic and common sense would not be enough. President Obama thought he could choose anyone for the very complex jobs of running the nation because he thought the President could do anything and make up for the short comings of his staff. Gomer Pyle came to town with his sergeant in hand because he was his friend.

This is where the Palin phenomena begins to come into play. Palin is definitely not very smart. This has to be said twice Palin is not very knowledgeable, but she may be smart enough to run a country in knowing the difference between what the country needs and what she may want. She may want Cousin May to be head of Health and Human services but she knows the country needs something more than cousin May, and this may seem a rather extreme comparison when juxtaposed with Palin’s rather basic rudimentary college degree with Barack Obama’s super elite circle Obama’s cabinet appointments boil down to appointing Palin’s Cousin May. As the American people observe this they begin to seriously doubt that change will happen under the Obama administration and look and wait for something different and hope it comes.

Like Bush enormous dollars go out of the United States treasury to various entities but people really believe that the money gets siphoned off to friends as in the Bush administration. I think what has set the last two administrations apart from other administrations are the excesses of money leaving the U.S. coffers and no one knowing where it ends up. The citizens of the United States see constant spending but no effective change, they are not experiencing the trickle nickel effect and are beginning to suspect those nickels are lost in the air. As public opinion starts to go against Barack Obama the folks of the United States are beginning to say they liked George Bush better. This is because many believe that Barack Obama would step on Granny to get across the street. This is because of the caviler treatment of babies, executive orders to continue using them for research, lip service to education, and all that money flowing out for new causes. As time goes on we begin to question if President Obama has a heart. Whereas innately the American people knew that on a personal level the former President George Bush could not face a wrong and let it continue, think the Iraq war was never real to him but a third term baby is real. This is what is lacking from President Barack Obama the human touch while he can recite lofty ideas one ultimately believes that if he saw ya being carjacked he’d keep driving.

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter at @blackhippychick

Tiger Woods: Minitruth, Delete tweet, Time Traveler Elin Woods AMY PART II

In Afrian American Twitters, African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, Assassination, celebrities, culture, current events, elin nordegren, elin woods, entertainment, ethnic twitters, female blogger, female bloggers, politics, Race, Race and Class, relationships, Sex, sports, The Police, tiger woods on February 23, 2010 at 3:37 am

Tiger Woods  made a statement and expects the world to believe him.  First of all I don’t care about Tiger Woods and am very resentful he knocked more relevant news off of the air like an assassination of a Hamas Leader, a jobs bill, a healthcare bill, and other more worthy coverage.  Tiger Woods is trying to manipulate me as a viewer of the news and a follower of current events.  The honest truth is I will not be manipulated. 

I suppose making a statement is standard fare for athletes at this point, but the statements regarding domestic violence and the lack of it in Tiger and Elin’s marriage is little hard to believe and frankly are not credulous statements.  In my mind and just my mind Elin Woods is like the Alabama shooter an accident waiting to manifest and if the world and Tiger Woods continue to cover up her actions she will eventually do something horrible.  I am not one to judge, I have done things I have regretted in the past but the one characteristic that I’ve had is the realization that I was wrong, apologetic, and it happened.  As Tiger Woods knows from his statement the first step in any recovery is acknowledging you have a problem.  As long as it is not acknowledged that Elin Woods busted out THREE SUV windows because she was angry, did confirmed extensive damage to the inside of the house because she was angry she has a problem and is dangerous to herself and others. 

The pretend  world that Tiger and Elin Woods are living in is a world insulated by billions of dollars and can probably protect Elin a lot ; but as friends, loved ones, and people who have knowledge of Amy Bishop know that when or if Elin Woods loses all of her marbles the damage may be so horrific that people will question WHY was this problem  allowed to fester so long.  The big question for me is does Elin realize that she destroyed her own home, chased her husbands SUV while in a golf cart most likely running him off the road and definitely knocking out three windows the side one and was it two back ones?  Does she remember doing 60,000 dollars worth of damage to a house that she and Tiger  lived in while he was on a PGA tour?  Do Elin and Tiger Woods honestly believe the lies that were fed to the media?

This is not the first case of operatives of Tiger Woods attempting to lie to the media.  Ronda Storms a state representative of Florida tried to drum up rumours that there were false reports of child abuse connected to the Tiger Woods Home and that the state of Florida was looking to prosecute someone; while according to Florida Newspapers the Attorney General of Florida had not received one complaint from Family Services that a false report had been made.  What my sources said was that the POLICE referred the case to Family Services because of the condition of  Tiger Woods face and by law they were required to report the incident.    This is what I initially heard prior to this state representative making these obviously false statements and wasting not TIGER WOODS BILLIONS BUT TAXPAYER MONEY WITH FALSE CLAIMS UNSUBSTANTIATED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE OF FLORIDA. 

The Tiger Woods Farce is just endemic of the society we live in.  Tiger Woods obviously thinks the world is a time machine where history can be rewritten ie.  the book in his car dealt with physics that can lead to time travel,  a 1984 Tiger Woods is BIG BROTHER and has directed the Ministry of Truth (minitruth) to redirect what happened between He and his wife to be rewritten where the truth becomes a lie, or maybe he thinks his life is a tweet and he can delete the tweet and what was done never happened.  Whatever, I wish he would just play golf and leave me out of his personal life what needs to be known, I know he’s not the source, and a sometimes complicit  media can not be trusted.

Hey isn’t Tiger Woods the celebrity caught having sex in the  church parking lot with a waitress and got the media to take a pass on reporting this even though they had pictures, WOW!! If I were caught in the church parking lot having sex you know what would happen to me, I would go straight to jail.  TIGER WOODS = NO SYMPATHY NONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As for ELIN WOODS DOES SHE HONESTLYY BELIEVE SHE DOES NOT HAVE A PROBLEM OR BUSTED OUT THREE WINDOWS TO GET TIGER WOODS OUT OF THE CAR IF SHE DOES WE HAVE AMY BISHOP PART II AN ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN!!!!  

Please Follow me on twitter at @blackhippychick

Fuck Off

In Afrian American Twitters, African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, Atlanta, ethnic twitters, family, female blogger, female bloggers, relationships, Sex on November 29, 2009 at 2:56 pm


You know I really love you and I’ve been extremely depressed because we have not been able to maintain and keep contact.  I know or I think you are only doing what I asked you to do but sometimes I have to honestly say I think the barely existent us is a joke, i’d like to know if it’s always been a joke or did it just happen to be one this time.  You are doing what I asked you to do and I am extremely proud of you but I can’t help but say I’ve been extremely depressed since we made that decision.  Anyway if we never never never meet again, firdt we met at the Atlanta Fulton Library, then met up again at the Jazz Festival this May I’d like to say whether it was a joke or not I love you, I love you, I love you I’ve never met a man like you,


But,  as I got to thinking about my past life it hit me that men and women sometimes don’t see things the same way I may be passionately in love with you when you touch me, when you hold me i feel things that I’ve never felt before but I cant make you love me and I suppose that’s the strange thing about passion and love sometimes one can feel it and the other can’t and sometimes I ask God Why and How can my body explode from the tips of my toenails to the top of my head and the other person feels nothing.

I mean nothing or they only feel it until their orgasm is over.  I don’t know my love but I love you and I have loved you passionately for years but I’m over it the passion has turned to blah and what made me change was the thought of the following experience:

The Story and I Mean the Story

I met Mr. Blank in November the thing that struck me about him was that he was really honest, sincere, tall, and decent looking.  I also did not have a car at the time and he seemed willing to let me use his car when I needed.  His laid back attitude towards life was just awesome and he happened to be well off he told me he used to be a millionaire and would be again and I’m sure he is back on his feet again by now.

While the sex with him was not great he was hung up on technique and I am incredibly turned on by intelligence and he was sort of dense in terms of politics world affairs, the economy etc.  and was extremely narcissistic.    His other qualities made me set the goal of doing one thing pleasing him, squeeze I would say to my self as we made love, move I would say to myself as we had sex at that time I felt my skill as a lover was directly related to keeping him and i was rewarded by lets have sex before our date, then after day after day for several months.  As the months progressed I began to notice everything that was in his life was a woman and done by a woman, a young women and it began to slightly irritate me to the point where I was sick of trying to work with sex to keep him.

Well one night or early morning he hears a knock on the door at about three am.  I hear loud noises a woman crying saying I love you I love you and all he’s saying is get out.  I’m like thinking I can’t believe this.  He comes back in the bedroom says something and its like nothing happened and I mean nothing happened.

We have sex wake up the next morning and its the same drill but slowly I start noticing things a brush, and the biggest thing was oil in  the bathroom like oils you might buy from a vendor in big bottles, I look up and notice burnt candles on the bureau and I know that’s not right.  It ends rather blandly he buys me some yogurt from the store its bad and all I say to him is this is awful he starts to quiver and shake and I’m like oh my God I feel like the ex-wife he told me about he’s literally groveling.   It ends with a rather fierce fight on the phone I have to tell a relative of his a secret  because he has to have someone to talk to and watch out for him.  He finds out and tells me you’ll never get any of this dick again and I’m like OK fine.

In any event I say this to say that earlier this week as I ruminated on how madly in love I was with another human being.  Oh how passionately so passionate that my stomach hurt, that I cried every moment that I could.  I thought about the relationship I had with the man above and how this woman was knocking on the door saying I love You I love and he was literally throwing her out and fucking me without giving her a second thought.  I thought Girl you have to stop this man is not calling you that much, only calling when you call back and never initiating a call after the CONVERSATION.  He cares nothing for you, for your stomach to continue to hurt like this and for you to continue to be passionately in love with someone who’s probably fucking six other women is ridiculous.  Needles to say after thinking about this the affair I was having with myself was  literally over.  I still think that he’s fabulously intelligent, fabulously endowed, fabulously mannerable and we have mad things in common but it does not seem to be happening.  I’ll hang around a little longer because something is telling me to but my stomachs not hurting anymore. Maybe it was just a moment a sweet moment:

Expounding on the Energy Redirection Technique (When Bad Things Happen to Positive Thinkers)

In African American Blogs, african american twitters, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, ethnic twitters, female blogger, female bloggers, law of attraction, religion on November 1, 2009 at 7:28 pm

When discussing the law of attraction sometimes it’s sold as a Manna from Heaven concept that if one absolutely positively controls their thoughts only the sun will shine.  The truth is bad things happen to all people even the fabulous and the successful.  Kornack in expounding on the Science of Getting Rich has written about a concept called energy redirection.  According to Kornack bad things will happen to good people and people engaged in the Law of Attraction must redirect their actions to deflect and compensate even over compensate for the bad.  When people are faced with the loss of loved ones, insurmountable natural disasters and other incidents it may seem odd to tell people to redirect their energies even if it is the right path to take for the sooner energy is redirected the sooner one can continue to live a wholesome and positive life. 

If one has any doubt that it can be done under even the most trying circumstances, one should look at the holocaust survivor Victor Frankl author of the book Mans Search for Meaning.  Frankl writes about his experiences in a Nazi concentration Camp.  One of the key lessons to be learned from Frankl that supports the concept of the Law of Attraction is that positive thinking in the most trying circumstances is enough to make amazing miracles happen.  Frankl states that he believes he was a holocaust survivor because of his ability to redirect his thoughts and constantly focus on what his ideal life would be.  He would actively see himself teaching classes before students in a university, he would imagine himself seeing and doing things outside of the concentration camp and amazingly he watched others marched to the gas chambers but never him.  Frankl states in the book that he felt the main difference between holocaust survivors in his camp versus those who went to the gas chambers was their mind set or in current day terms their use of the law of attraction.  Frankl gives an example of people who would set dates in their minds for when they would get out of the concentration camp, these individuals would be happy and upbeat saying I know we are going to be out by this date, they would stay safe and not be led to the gas chambers but inevitably when the date came and went and the individuals had given up they would be chosen to go to the gas chambers.  Frankl implies that even in impossible conditions the thoughts of these individuals determined whether they would live or die.  Frankl did survive the concentration camp to go and live the mental vision he developed inside the concentration camp. 

Sometimes individuals find themselves in impossible conditions and must use the concept of transmutation or energy redirection.  Victor Frankl has proven that energy redirection can be done successfully in even the most difficult of situations.

Congratulations Barack Obama and The United States For Your Nobel Prize Win

In Afrian American Twitters, African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, barack obama, black blogger, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, celebrities, civil rights, democrats, elections, ethnic twitters, EU Community, europe, female blogger, female bloggers, Georgia, human rights, International Relations, michelle obama, politicians, politics, Race, Race and Class on October 10, 2009 at 3:04 am

Barack Obama has brought International prestige and acclaim to the United States with the winning of the Nobel Peace prize.  While the prize was shocking to many, if the citizens of  United States would close their eyes and remember why they voted for him they would realize that he deserves and earned the Nobel Peace Prize.  I can not say that I necessarily agree or even know clearly the rationale of the Nobel committee for awarding the Nobel Peace prize to Barack Obama but I can articulate why I think he deserves the prize.

Barack and Michelle  Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for first of all being able to transcend themselves.  In a world that frequently says you can’t and in a country that had never had a President of color The Obama’s said “Yes We Can”.   They said Yes We can and Did.  Barack Obama did not come from a two parent home with Daddy throwing him up to the sky every night,   Barack Obama even mentions that he comes from a home where people may have told him they were scared of black men because he was raised by his caucasian grandmother.    President OBama’s history and his subsequent accomplishments are a beacon of light to every child around the world who experiences controversies and problems in their lives.  The ability of Barack Obama to overcome himself and his environment is a world class accomplishment, Nobel Prize worthy because one of the hardest things for people to do is to overcome themselves.  Many great thinkers have written about this Napoleon Hill, recitations of the words of Jesus and others.

Barack Obama deserves the Nobel Prize by helping to prove to the world that the United States is not full of racists who hate black people and that the notion that an American Dream is possible for all is a reality not a notion for whites only.  In a sociology class I learned about the third generational theory that all European racial groups who come to the United States can meld into the fabric of the United States and eventually become white or plain American, whereas people of color Asians, Blacks, Latinos, were subsequently out of luck and could never really melt because of their race into an American characteristic.  Barack Obama and the United State shattered this myth by voting for him as President by actually implementing the words of Martin Luther King “not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”.  The various races of the United States gave Barack Obama a mandate.  Barack Obama was not a president installed by force, given to the United States by some International Super Power he was democratically elected by the American people who said that we don’t care about race anymore just someone willing to work for our interests.

As for the significance of Barack Obama post election we the American People seriously hope that he will use the slogan YES WE CAN to solve our problems as well as take the attitude of YES WE CAN to the world and help solve their problems.      As for what has gone wrong with the Presidency up to know, by and large Obama and the Democrats refuse to ignore the voices that did not elect them.  The only way Obama can keep his promises is to ignore the voices of dissension and keep a straight path and fulfill his promise.

Universal Health Care

Peace in The Middle East

Bill Clinton Nobel Peace Prize

Yes We CAN

Follow me on twitter @blackhippychick

Letterman and The Clique Of Bitches

In Afrian American Twitters, African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, black blogger, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, entertainment, female blogger, female bloggers, Sex on October 7, 2009 at 6:43 am

Sometimes people get so embroiled in their intragroup relationships and communications they forget that there is a whole world that is not in their group or their clique. They surround themselves with people that think the same way, act the same way, and only amplify their small view of the world. This is the conudrum of David Letterman and his Clique of Bitches. As an African American I have frequently run into individuals who only live in a certain social class who are used to saying certain things, believing certain things and verbally exclaiming very damaging stereotypes about poor and struggling blacks that in most cases simply are not true.

When Letterman cavalierly announced that he was sleeping with the women who worked for him and basically said, so what. Letterman revealed that he was hanging within a clique that I entitle the Clique of Bitches. I am not calling the women bitches but I am willing to bet that in his mind, in the minds of his associates and the men that he surrounds himself with, they think of women as bitches to be thrown away used and in the least a functional urinal. The caveat with Letterman was that in his mind he told himself just like the jock tells the virgin, everybodys doing it. Every man who is able to has a clique of bitches. Letterman told himself everyone’s sleeping with their staff not just in his industry but even the mom and pop waitresses are sleeping with pop. So he cavalierly announced that he had slept with his staff and made a two million dollar old fool out of himself.

Personally I find it disturbing that a man who has managed to make forty million dollars a year did it without having to possess a shred of sophistication or knowledge of the outside world. David Letterman revealed that in this mean society we live in that there are some men who only believe the only way a woman can get a job is on her back or her knees, and judging by the attitude towards his staff he assumes that women like it. He naturally assumes that women are giving free sex to a sixty-two year old man because they sexually desire him not because they need or want a job or the money. The sixty million dollar Larry King question of Letterman’s past female employees is DID YOU LIKE IT? . I hazard to guess not much. Please don’t forget to follow me on twitter blackhippychick

If You Are Black Get Back or Just Kick Us (sotomayor)

In Afrian American Twitters, African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, Atlanta, barack obama, black blogger, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, democrats, female blogger, female bloggers, Georgia, politics, Race, Race and Class, the supreme court on July 16, 2009 at 8:32 am

WEB Dubois went to the grave lamenting the compromises, the shucks and the jives and the betrayal of Booker T. Washington to Black America.  WEB Dubois attributed the long journey from slavery to  several years of equality and freedom back to inequality and the Jim Crowe Era to Booker T. Washington. According to C. Vann Woodward as blacks left slavery they began to walk hand and hand with white men and shared a vision of equal pay for equal work and then came along Jim Crow ie. separate but equal.

As we look at the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor one can not help but parallel Obama’s decision to nominate Sotomayerr with Booker T. Washington’s decision to advocate for separate but equal like Washington did in the Atlanta Speech.  Obama’s decision to nominate Sotomayor can only hurt African Americans even if she was nominated by a black president. Sotomayor has a record of ruling against blacks who have been patently and overtly discriminated against.  While the case of the white firefighters who she ruled against took center stage.  The case of African Americans with obvious slights and who had been overtly discriminated against has been ignored by the media, and the all white senate.  One could only wonder if Sotomayor gets an award and Kudos for ruling against black folks.  As the beat goes again as In the Clarence Thomas case a persons race trumps the content of their character when they have shown a true contradiction of what the democratic party and frankly the constitution stands for.

Sotomayor has either shown an inability to use her wisdom to come to a just solution for people discriminated against in the following place or she is just plain hates black individuals.

Before we review one of  the cases Sotomayor overtly ruled against black people let’s review a discrimination case she ruled for and struck down a lower court decision to throw out.

While eating lunch Yvette Cruz was the recipient of a lewd remark from a fellow coworker on the same level or below her paygrade, in response to the lewd remark she smacked the coworker and they ended up on the floor brawling fighting and rolling around on the floor.  Coach pocketbook fired booth employees.  In response Yvette Cruz sued them for sexual discrimination, and a hostile work environment.  A lower court said that the allegations were vague and threw it out of court.  Ms. Cruz appealed and Sotomayor said her charges were legitimate and ruled in her favor.

Now we can discuss the African Americans, in one  case involving blacks and Sotomayor, a black couple decided to go on a vacation they purchased advanced airline tickets weeks in ahead to go on their vacation.  While boarding they were offered some incentive to give up their tickets because the plane was overbooked, they were on vacation and wanted to quickly get to their destination so they declined the offer.  They ended up being the only black couple on the plane.  The stewardess walked down the aisle looking at individuals and told the black couple  to get off of the plane. They calmy walked off the plane.  because the plane was overbooked even though other people on the plane had purchased standby tickets and same day tickets.  The couple sued, a lower court ruled in their favor, American Airlines appealed and Sotomayor overturned the decision and told them to go file a a federal complaint their suit was not legitimate.

None of these contradictions have come up as  far as I know.  Sonia Sotomayor gets a pass and a nod for discriminating against black people.  Now that Barack oBama is on Air Force One he probably has forgotten how it feels to ride on a regular plane and its alright to abuse blacks since it will never be him.

Playing the Michelle Card Michelle Obama and Black Women

In Afrian American Twitters, African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, barack obama, black blogger, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, democrats, ethnic twitters, female blogger, politics on May 25, 2009 at 11:02 pm

As we prepare for the announcement of a New Supreme Court Justice the writing is on the wall that though black women have been part of this country since it’s founding there will not be a black female Supreme Court Justice.  The major news outlets refuse to even consider that a black women will sit on the supreme court.   However the big signal that a black women will not be the definite choice for the Supreme Court is the huge cover article that the Obama propoganda machine has negotiated on Michelle Obama with Time magazine, hitting the stands the same week that everyone speculates that Barack Obama will announce a new Supreme Court nominee in essence playing the Michelle card to Black women and those who care for them. 

While it is refreshing to have a Black First Lady in the White House its becoming increasingly obvious that she has no or does not care to  have any sway or bedtime influence on her husband as it relates to black women and their position in the Obama administration.  The nonadvocacy of the aspirations of black females in the upper reaches in government have literally been squashed in the Obama administration.  For the first time in sixteen years a black women will not hold a cabinet position in a  presidential administration. 

Unofficially from the Obama administration the cabinet position a black woman holds in the Obama administration is first lady.  Never before has a first lady been trotted out and purveyed, what an example to black women, what an accomplishment she got married and managed to not be a welfare queen with ten children.  There is a black first lady which is a wonderful and groundbreaking but I think most people expect it comes with having a black president. 

The Michelle card has been played in many ways when it was pretty obvious that Barack Obama had no blood ties with the African American descendantsof western slaves, the connection of Obama to West Africa comparative to being Chinese versus Japanese or vice versa, the Obama supporters shouted out that Michelle was a descendant of West African slaves and his children would therefore carry on that legacy.  African Americans and those who cared for African Americans thought that Michelle Obama was the prescription to the fact that Obama’s descendants were never enslaved and Obama would essentially be stealing the legacy of African American heritage to become president of the United States and to indicate that there was a new Nirvana of racial love in the United States.

What Obama’s administration as indicated by his one black cabinet appointee a position held by this black at the beginning of the Bush II administration is that Obama of interacial heritage and  having gained the right to be president from his white mother’s U.S. citizenship does not identify in his mind, heart, or soul with black people.  Obama is black on the outside and white on the inside and feels no loyalty to blacks.  Blacks for Obama are a means to an end.  This has been a key trait of Obama as politician the strong tendency to bit the hand that feeds him.  This is strongly exemplified in the incident of Obama giving  a now convicted felon contracts to run a housing project in his disctrict  that lacked the very nesscessary ingredient of Heat in icy cold Chicago.  When Obama’s constituents called to complain their calls were never returned.  More on the Rezko deal can be found here.    Obama’s identification with his caucasion side comes out at time with an almost exageratted claim to blackness I have a black wife, I play basketball, I talk slang a self proclaimed wigger is what Obama’s exagerations shout. 

In any event the Times article on Michelle Obama at such an oppurtune time can mean only one thing a black women will not be nominated for Supreme Court Justice and if you don’t like it just read the nice Times article on Michelle Obama its so nice to have a black first lady is it not aren’t all of us black women lucky, be grateful for what you have and what you can get righto!!!!!!