
Archive for the ‘conservatives’ Category

Why Barack Obama is having Polling Problems

In African American Bloggers, African American Blogs, african american twitters, barack obama, black blogger, black bloggers, black twitters, Black Women Bloggers, College Educated, colleges and universities, conservatives, current events, democrats, economy, Education, educational policies, elections, ethnic twitters, female blogger, politicians, politics, Poverty, Sarah Palin, The Economy on September 1, 2010 at 6:11 pm

As the polls fall for our Golden Boy Barack Obama, it is tempting for his staunch supporters to argue that Obama is the victim of racists or that the reason things have not totally turned around is because of all the luggage left by George Bush. While these arguments may hold a little sway, the truth is that Barack Promised us change and what we essentially got was more of the same in far left clothing and shall I dare say in a less compassionate package than George Bush Jr.

After Barack Obama was elected it became extremely apparent that he was not going to diverge much from his predecessor George Bush. While some believed that when it was time to appoint cabinet members Obama would appoint cabinet members with the finest credentials Pulitzers, nobels, and other such folks Obama had another agenda on his mind, he made cabinet appointments of people who were his friends, acquaintances and yes men. He essentially used the spoils system when appointing staff just like his predecessor George W. Bush. For example he made the superintendant of Chicago Public Schools the Secretary of Education for all of our students despite the fact that Chicago had one of the highest dropout rate of students in the country; Tim Geithner could not figure out his taxes let alone be expected to solve the economic problems of the nation; a governor appointed to head Health and Services instead of a career professional within the organization made and makes the Obama presidency problematic and leads a rational human being to question his motives and common sense. The reason Barack Obama can not blame George Bush for the problems now affecting the United States is because President Obama left his A game at home failing to realize that his logic and common sense would not be enough. President Obama thought he could choose anyone for the very complex jobs of running the nation because he thought the President could do anything and make up for the short comings of his staff. Gomer Pyle came to town with his sergeant in hand because he was his friend.

This is where the Palin phenomena begins to come into play. Palin is definitely not very smart. This has to be said twice Palin is not very knowledgeable, but she may be smart enough to run a country in knowing the difference between what the country needs and what she may want. She may want Cousin May to be head of Health and Human services but she knows the country needs something more than cousin May, and this may seem a rather extreme comparison when juxtaposed with Palin’s rather basic rudimentary college degree with Barack Obama’s super elite circle Obama’s cabinet appointments boil down to appointing Palin’s Cousin May. As the American people observe this they begin to seriously doubt that change will happen under the Obama administration and look and wait for something different and hope it comes.

Like Bush enormous dollars go out of the United States treasury to various entities but people really believe that the money gets siphoned off to friends as in the Bush administration. I think what has set the last two administrations apart from other administrations are the excesses of money leaving the U.S. coffers and no one knowing where it ends up. The citizens of the United States see constant spending but no effective change, they are not experiencing the trickle nickel effect and are beginning to suspect those nickels are lost in the air. As public opinion starts to go against Barack Obama the folks of the United States are beginning to say they liked George Bush better. This is because many believe that Barack Obama would step on Granny to get across the street. This is because of the caviler treatment of babies, executive orders to continue using them for research, lip service to education, and all that money flowing out for new causes. As time goes on we begin to question if President Obama has a heart. Whereas innately the American people knew that on a personal level the former President George Bush could not face a wrong and let it continue, think the Iraq war was never real to him but a third term baby is real. This is what is lacking from President Barack Obama the human touch while he can recite lofty ideas one ultimately believes that if he saw ya being carjacked he’d keep driving.

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter at @blackhippychick

Rush Limbaugh Study to Show Yourself Approved

In conservatives, economy, employment, International Relations, politics, Poverty, Race, Race and Class, republicans, The Economy on March 1, 2009 at 11:06 am

You know I was sitting here thinking about Rush Limbaugh and his attitudes towards liberals and their efforts to in the least give lip service to helping American citizens in need and at most provide assistance and relief to United States Citizens of all income groups and I could not help meditating on Limbaughs profound misunderstanding of National and World Affairs. 

The first thing that  kept going through my head was the international food crisis that is factually sweeping the world and how smart our government has been to plan for the poor, for the poor are always among us and always will be among us.  I also thought about the base of the Republican party blue collar religious individuals who are in desperate need of the programs and resources that the Democrats are proposing to help them.  Rush’s solution that tax cuts will create jobs and resources for this blue collar base is frankly ludicrous.  What Rush is failing to realize is that the world is increasinglya competitive world, an increasingly capitalist world, and captalists’ are playing on the international playing field not the National Playing field.  The only way to attract capital and capitalists to any Nation or society is to have a skilled workforce .  However according to several sources the quality of the United States Educational system is not competitive, is not even in the top ten of best educations in the world.  According to U-wire:

” The United States is falling when it comes to international education rankings, as recent studies show that other nations in the developed world have more effective education systems. “

” In both studies, Finland, Australia, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Netherlands and the United Kingdom beat the United States, while the Asian nations of South Korea, Japan and Singapore ranked first through third, respectively. “

Now Rush is so fond of the word capitalism, in an increasingly technological world surely a smart capatalist survival of the fittest corporation is not going to bring his capital to the United States for complex jobs when all sources show that this is not the best place to get smart capital.  He’s going where the best capital is and it’s not the United States.  This is what smart legislators and a president realize.  If your human resources lack the skill to compete world wide, a smart government provides assistance so that they can eventually be able to compete. 

Finally I don’t know who Rush represents surely he does not represent blue collar workers becaue there jobs have been gone for a long time and the job losses we are dealing with are the stragglers,  surely Rush is not talking about the middle class becasue they are in need of help too.  Is Rush Limbaugh representing the Very wealthy.  Bill Gates has a foundation that provides food aide to hungry people all around the world and says that he’s grateful to public education and libraries for helping him to reach his full potential.  Surely he’s not talking about Warren Buffet because he says he believes in helping also.  I am a little confused as to who rush is representing.  The only people he seems to be representing so far are the virulent racists who are so prejudice that they will work against their very own interests. 

While yesterday Rush Limbaugh bragged on the fact theat he did not need a prompt to speak and could go on and on maybe Rush should do less talking and more studying  the bible and world affairs.  Below is a little bible lesson for Rush.

MCcains Prospective Running Mates Show A profound Lack of Understanding of Why Obama is so Popular

In conservatives, mitt romney, politics, presidential race, republicans on May 22, 2008 at 12:40 pm

The media is buzzing about McCains meeting with three perspective running mates and none of them are black.  There are several Republican black hopefuls that could be added to the list the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, and Condelleeza Rice (who says she’s not interested) to name two.    McCain in not trying to give Americans no alternative but to break the racial barrier is failing to give himself a decided advantage over Barack Obama by allowing the American people to affirm to themselves that they are not voting for Barack Obama because he’s black but because he’s shown a decidedly unpatriotic streak that another black contender does not have, if MCcain can manage to find a black candidate that is articulate, well liked, and accomplished than he has a good chance of winning the general election.  A large part of the electorate is looking to assuage their guilt because of discrimination and our history of slavery by voting for Obama.  The media is exploiting the class issuse so strongly becuase they are telling certain people that in not voting for Barack Obama they have not transcended race and are not sophisticated enough to vote for a black man.  If McCain can find a patriotic, Christian black running mate that can be juxtaposed with Obama this will be the key to winning the general election of 2008.  A straight up failure to acknowledge that the United States is ready to make a symbolic gesture of a woman or a black will surely end up in McCain’s failure to be President.  Barack Obama is extremely charismatic and is willing to ride out issues that would make a different man give up.  As for putting up an Indian for Vice President, McCain ignores a lot of facts regarding the racial pecking order in this country.  As for a Mormon, Romney grew up in a polygamist family and what’s going on with the FCLD in Texas or whatever they are called would strongly make Romney a sitting Duck for attacks.  However as formally stated on this blog it can not be denied that Romney appears to be a racist as well as a male chauvinist pig and in this election cycle this might be what people who are looking to go the complete opposite way of progress ie. a black or a woman may wish to go,  I seriously doubt they make up enough of a majority to discount the economic situation in this country and be a die hard racist.  Some people who are hopeless would like to at least make a symbolic vote for a different social order to show that even though things may not change their vote has helped to change a little of the status quo .  However the media has not been as hard on Romney and his background as the blogosphere may be.  Finally Charlie Crisp, the most striking thing I’ve seen about Crisp is he has extremely striking good looks competitive in looks  with  how Obama looks on TV and he seems to have a personality that is as sunny as the Florida skys but the article I’ve just read in the New York Times indicates that he may be a little bit too Law and Order for the times we live in.  “Don’t taze me bro” is literally my motto. 

Recent Comment on on Mitt Romney posted to NYT Blog Mitt Romneus Funeral

In conservatives, mitt romney, pressidential race, republicans on February 9, 2008 at 1:54 am

I am a single mother and I consider myself very tolerant however Mitt Romney really got my goat up. He would endlessly recite statistics of families without fathers and how their offspring were at risk and against American culture. When he first came out I thought what a nice family however by the end of his campaign all I could do is gag, literally stick my finger down my throat in disgust. I think the tolerance he expected from all of us in his being a Mormon he was unwilling to give. All of this talk about American culture that even during his pullout speech was one big FLIPFLOP in regards to his life. He grew up in a polygamous family, since when has polygamy been part of this culture. We don’t even know if he’s married to a relative or not. The only thing that he seemed to be standing up for as far as I was concerned was the trailer. I vote both ways and let me tell you , my vote would have never gone to him. Through his own fault he lacked mass appeal. He received the same intolerance he gave. I am so happy he is out of the race, I really feel bad that he spent all of that money to lose but he should have realized that this country does not want an intolerant bigot for president, Finally for all of his talk about broken families he failed to realize that a lot of families in this country are broken and they are doing the best they can, as for children without fathers they have been around in the United States and elsewhere since the beginning of time especially when abortion was not an option. I could say a lot about what i thought when I found out he came from a polygamous family but he can probably guess what it was, because the same way that he spoke against children without fathers is a little better than what they say about people who participate in polygamy. Where has he been for the last century in a polygamous camp or something.

Recent Comment on on Mitt Romney posted to NYT Blog Mitt Romneus Funeral

In conservatives, mitt romney, presidential race, republicans on February 8, 2008 at 5:54 pm

I am a single mother and I consider myself very tolerant however Mitt Romney really got my goat up. He would endlessly recite statistics of families without fathers and how their offspring were at risk and against American culture. When he first came out I thought what a nice family however by the end of his campaign all I could do is gag, literally stick my finger down my throat in disgust. I think the tolerance he expected from all of us in his being a Mormon he was unwilling to give. All of this talk about American culture that even during his pullout speech was one big FLIPFLOP in regards to his life. He grew up in a polygamous family, since when has polygamy been part of this culture. We don’t even know if he’s married to a relative or not. The only thing that he seemed to be standing up for as far as I was concerned was the trailer. I vote both ways and let me tell you , my vote would have never gone to him. Through his own fault he lacked mass appeal. He received the same intolerance he gave. I am so happy he is out of the race, I really feel bad that he spent all of that money to lose but he should have realized that this country does not want an intolerant bigot for president, Finally for all of his talk about broken families he failed to realize that a lot of families in this country are broken and they are doing the best they can, as for children without fathers they have been around in the United States and elsewhere since the beginning of time especially when abortion was not an option. I could say a lot about what i thought when I found out he came from a polygamous family but he can probably guess what it was, because the same way that he spoke against children without fathers is a little better than what they say about people who participate in polygamy. Where has he been for the last century in a polygamous camp or something.